Dr. Ellie’s Perspective

September 12, 2024

About 3-4 years ago, all our lives changed. Covid brought about many questions for us all – not just for Americans but for the world as a whole and for “we” as humans. As I struggled to find answers, I ultimately conformed in some ways; but, in my heart, I knew that there was more to uncover. I felt restless personally and unsure of my “role” as a physician. Was I in the right profession? Was I truly helping people? Or was I just “patching” things and delaying or worsening illness? I found myself frustrated with prescribing Adderall and SSRIs (medications for anxiety and depression) when I knew that better nutrition, improved sleep and less stress was the answer. Despite my uncertainty, I just kept going and “doing” medicine as I learned it – I mean, I had to repay my debt of time and money, right?!....

Until one day, GOD got my attention. I suddenly lost my hearing while pregnant at 36 weeks. I saw many doctors including my primary care (a dear friend), high risk OB, and Neuro-ENT, and, in return, I received a diagnosis of cochlear hydrops (or sudden deafness) – an IDIOPATHIC diagnosis. In medical school, I learned about “idiopathic” diagnoses; my professors described this term as “idiotic,” meaning “we” as doctors don’t understand it. I was not OK with this diagnosis. How can it be? I just woke up deaf one day. What if it happens again? How do I prevent it? I had so many questions. And, now, for the first time in my life, I was a patient – a patient who had to navigate the medical system for true answers.

Through silence and with stillness in my life, I renewed my trust in GOD and found Functional Medicine. I started listening to podcasts and following Mark Hyman on Instagram. And, eventually, I ordered specialized testing on myself - NutrEval, DUTCH and genomics were most helpful in my case. With these results, I started discovering the truth – it was not ONE thing that caused me to lose my hearing but instead it was a series of things, across many bodily systems, after exposures to chronic toxicities (and stress!) that caused my body to breakdown. This realization gave me hope. And, then, my journey of healing began. 

Today, I continue along a path of hope and healing. I have taken an honest look at my life - my habits, patterns, vices and relationships. And, with each step, I am becoming healthier in mind, body, and spirit. Although “broken,” my new ears have given me an opportunity to hear GOD differently and to approach the art and practice of medicine in a new way. In the end, something that seemed so tragic was perhaps one of the biggest blessings in my life. I look forward to spending the next few decades of life treating patients with a FUNCTIONAL perspective.

December 13, 2024
My first experience with Functional Medicine was more than a decade ago; however, at the time I didn’t realize it. I was told in my early 30s that I had unexplained infertility. Just like many of my patients, I moved from one OB/GYN to another searching for answers. I could not understand how my mother, grandmother and aunts did not have problems conceiving, yet I was in this predicament. My genetics did not seem to be my disadvantage. So, how? why? Well…I had several environmental factors working against me that my ancestors did not. As an adolescent athlete, I was started on birth control or “cycle control.” Having a period was simply a hinderance. At the same time, being raised in the 90s, I was a product of the fast-food generation. Although my parents tried to limit my exposure, I ate way more sugar and processed foods than prior generations. Lastly, I was a young professional, striving to be a successful doctor and not yet understanding the importance of life balance; stress was abundant. Unfortunately, I hadn’t thought much about starting a family until suddenly it was becoming “too late,” and damage from external factors were setting in. In 2012, I met with a fertility specialist. He encouraged me to start down the path of artificial insemination. Matt, my husband, was “just fine” - let’s be honest, his parts are a little less complicated than mine. I felt pressure to “perform” just like other aspects of my life. The stress of fertility treatments was taxing and lovemaking quickly became less fun, less intimate. After nearly 3 exhausting years without a single pregnancy, I decided to take a break or “pause.” Thankfully, during this time, I met Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga. Fr. Ubald, a Catholic priest known for his “healing power,” was visiting Shreveport to pray for an extended family member and, not by coincidence, our paths crossed. He knew immediately after a brief visit that I was broken. With my fertility struggles, I had lost hope and, in return, lost faith. He prayed for me and with me, and he taught me to believe and to hope once again. Then, six weeks later, I naturally conceived. I told everyone that it was Fr. Ubald’s “hotline to GOD” that helped me to get pregnant. But, we all know that it’s much bigger and more complicated than that. Less than a year later, in July of 2015, we met Stella Rae, our perfect daughter. We did not know the gender of our first born until we met her. Matt and I had agreed; if we were to have son, we would call him “Ubbie” after Fr. Ubald. Then, in 2020, during COVID, I found myself in the same situation. As we all know, patterns are not easily broken. Again, stressed and living an unhealthy life, I was unable to conceive. I had plans to meet Fr. Ubald and was looking forward to our reunion when he caught COVID and died. His death was heart-breaking. I can still hear his voice and feel his healing touch. I was determined to keep him “alive” for myself and for others. I began telling others about him and encouraged others to read his newly written book, Forgiveness makes you Free. For some time, I had forgotten about me. Instead of worrying about my inadequacies, I spent hours praying the prayers that he taught me. And, once again, a few months later, I NATURALLY conceived! I knew in my heart that Fr. Ubald was smiling down at me. I n October 2021, Matt and I had our son - “Little Ubald.” Our close friends and family call “Ubbie,” and others know him as Rhett, a true blessing. Ultimately, Fr. Ubald gave me life in many ways. He not only re-aligned my energy from my soul to my uterus but he taught me the importance of prayer, forgiveness and acceptance – key factors in one’s spiritual healing and an essential component of the Functional Medicine matrix. Ellie O. Hudnall, MD The Center for the Secret of Peace Ministries
September 12, 2024
The institute of Functional Medicine describes Functional Medicine “as a catalyst in the transformation of healthcare.” Functional Medicine treats the root cause of diseases and restores healthy function through personalized patient experience. By achieving better outcomes, Functional Medicine breeds less chronic disease and, therefore, lessens overall healthcare costs for individuals and for society. Some people refer to Functional Medicine as “Lifestyle Medicine” as it often starts with a matrix approach and focuses on the mind, body and soul. To understand one’s matrix, we must address the essentials of nutrition, activity/movement, stress levels (physical vs. emotional, current and past, including any history of trauma), sleep, and relationships (including the most important relationship with one’s Higher Power). Functional Medicine is a wholesome way of caring for patients.
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