About 3-4 years ago, all our lives changed. Covid brought about many questions for us all – not just for Americans but for the world as a whole and for “we” as humans. As I struggled to find answers, I ultimately conformed in some ways; but, in my heart, I knew that there was more to uncover. I felt restless personally and unsure of my “role” as a physician. Was I in the right profession? Was I truly helping people? Or was I just “patching” things and delaying or worsening illness? I found myself frustrated with prescribing Adderall and SSRIs (medications for anxiety and depression) when I knew that better nutrition, improved sleep and less stress was the answer. Despite my uncertainty, I just kept going and “doing” medicine as I learned it – I mean, I had to repay my debt of time and money, right?!....
Until one day, GOD got my attention. I suddenly lost my hearing while pregnant at 36 weeks. I saw many doctors including my primary care (a dear friend), high risk OB, and Neuro-ENT, and, in return, I received a diagnosis of cochlear hydrops (or sudden deafness) – an IDIOPATHIC diagnosis. In medical school, I learned about “idiopathic” diagnoses; my professors described this term as “idiotic,” meaning “we” as doctors don’t understand it. I was not OK with this diagnosis. How can it be? I just woke up deaf one day. What if it happens again? How do I prevent it? I had so many questions. And, now, for the first time in my life, I was a patient – a patient who had to navigate the medical system for true answers.
Through silence and with stillness in my life, I renewed my trust in GOD and found Functional Medicine. I started listening to podcasts and following Mark Hyman on Instagram. And, eventually, I ordered specialized testing on myself - NutrEval, DUTCH and genomics were most helpful in my case. With these results, I started discovering the truth – it was not ONE thing that caused me to lose my hearing but instead it was a series of things, across many bodily systems, after exposures to chronic toxicities (and stress!) that caused my body to breakdown. This realization gave me hope. And, then, my journey of healing began.
Today, I continue along a path of hope and healing. I have taken an honest look at my life - my habits, patterns, vices and relationships. And, with each step, I am becoming healthier in mind, body, and spirit. Although “broken,” my new ears have given me an opportunity to hear GOD differently and to approach the art and practice of medicine in a new way. In the end, something that seemed so tragic was perhaps one of the biggest blessings in my life. I look forward to spending the next few decades of life treating patients with a FUNCTIONAL perspective.